Ash wood is one of the most popular types of wood. It is considered a ductile wood with characteristics ranging from high calorific value to exceptional flexibility. Ash is a much-loved and used wood so it is hoped that the park in Europe will soon recover.

Table of contents
- The common ash tree
- Ash wood: a noble wood with special properties
- What does ash wood look like?
- How much does ash wood cost?
- What special properties does ash wood have?
- How can ash wood be processed?
- For what uses is ash particularly suitable?
- Is ash wood a good firewood?
- How should ash wood be treated correctly?
The common ash tree
In 2001 the common ash tree was voted "Tree of the Year". It is one of the three species of ash found in Europe: in addition to the common ash, manna ash and narrow-leaved ash also originate from the European continent. Although the name suggests otherwise, the "mountain ash" tree is not one of the ash trees. Ash trees belong to the family of olive trees.
The ash tree (Fraxinus excelsior) can reach heights of about 40 meters in good condition and is therefore one of the tallest deciduous trees on our continent. It is often found in association with beech trees. Where beech is less lush, e.g. in damp alluvial forests or on dry limestone soils, there are usually larger ash forests. However, it rarely reaches its maximum growth height. Most specimens only grow between 15 and 20 meters. Ash is not only appreciated for its wood. It also plays an important role in mythology: "Yggdrasil" - is the tree of the world found in Nordic mythology, according to Edda.
In naturopathy, parts of this tree have been used as medicine since ancient times. Tea made from ash leaves is considered to have a diuretic effect and oil, from grated bark, was also used to treat gout, broken bones and rheumatism.
Unfortunately, deaths by ingestion of these products have been recorded since the 1990s. The causes, spread from Poland to Austria to Germany, are attributable to a fungal attack on withered and falling leaves and dead spots on the trunk. Scientists are trying to counter the extinction of the plant species, which has been almost completely exterminated in Denmark, for example, by breeding fungus-resistant ash trees. The Asian beetle from Asia also represents a growing threat to the species.
Ash wood: a noble wood with special properties
The most important deciduous woods in Central Europe are beechwoods, the oak and the ash. Ash wood is used especially when elasticity and strength are required. Manufacturers use the special properties of ash wood for bent parts in boat construction, furniture construction and sports equipment construction.
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